Tomorrow I’m driving up to the Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls to marry a couple! They are keeping it really simple and having the ceremony in their room. I sent them a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate! I bet the falls are beautiful this time of year! 00:08:292010-12-20 00:08:29Wedding at the Falls
Yesterday, while doing some year end work with my marketing campaign I inadvertently sent off an e-mail to a bride I married last year. She sent me a reply questioning the content and I quickly cleared it up. She told me two really exciting things in her e-mail: 1) she and her sweetie are coming up on their one-year anniversary, and 2) she is deployed in Afghanistan. So she was e-mailing me all the way from Afghanistan! I was so honored that she would take the time to contact me while in such an intense environment. I asked her for an update and this is what she told me:
William is currently in Tacoma Washington working on Fort Lewis. He just finished his MBA. He is busy these days working and sending me care packages! ; ) I am stationed in Bagram Afghanistan working as the United States Forces- Afghanistan Force Health Protection Officer. I work with the regional Environmental Science Officers to ensure the health of the war fighters. We work with all types of environmental media to include water, air and food. There are lots of other areas that we encompass but that is the “in a nut shell” definition. Take care and have a Merry Christmas! Naomi
I was so honored to hear from Naomi about what she and William are doing. So first of all, I’d like to shout out a big HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO NAOMI AND WILLIAM, and secondly THANK YOU BOTH FOR YOUR DEDICATION TO OUR COUNTRY!!!
By the way, anyone who would like to should out to Naomi and William and thank them for their commitment to our country can do so below. 17:47:142010-12-16 17:47:14A hello from a bride who is far, far away
I sent along the official itinerary to Diana and William for their review the other day. I was so thrilled to be able to put together their itinerary. I met some new people (including them) along the way and am deeply intrigued by the whole destination wedding idea. Very doable on all budgets and especially in our beautiful city of Seattle! I am a Seattle native and I LOVE SEATTLE!! It is a joy and privalege to introduce new people to my city. Plus, what a great place to get married, eh?
By the way, we have added a matching boutineer to Diana’s clutch bouquet for the day. She chose the color pink, which will be lovely and William will have a matching boutineer in pink! And we have arranged details for Lou to get a tux for the big day! It’s all coming together…they arrive just next week. How exciting!!! Oh, thanks Alisha for all your fantastic help!
I just returned from doing a really sweet wedding for a couple at the Edgewater Hotel ( Remember the one that years ago (I don’t want to date myself here) advertised “Fish From Your Window”? Yep, that one. Since I was there last, they have done a renovation which is gives the hotel a rustic and cozy feeling.
Anyway, my couple rented a one-bedroom suite that featured french doors separating the bedroom and bathroom from the sitting room, where we did the ceremony. And to add to the ambiance they had a waterfront room so there will be some great sunset pictures. I brought the cake, flowers and photographer and the bride decorated the room. Since I had my photographer there I didn’t take pics with my Blackberry, which just isn’t doing my pictures justice lately, so thank you Peter for your pictures when they are developed.
This is an excellent idea for a small wedding. I highly recommend it because it’s cozy, romantic and small enough that you can handle the details, and large enough so you can invite 10 or so of your friends and family. And if you wanted, you could invite more friends to meet you in the hotel lounge for a celebratory glass of champagne — and then maybe dinner in the hotel restuarant!! The options are really limitless with this one-bedroom hotel suite wedding idea.
And last but certainly not least — Congratulations Kathy and David! Kathy you really did a fantastic job with your decorations and planning. You made my job so easy because you had a vision and it was a joy putting your vision together! Thank you for including me in your very special day! 00:12:312010-12-11 00:12:31Great Waterfront Hotel For In-suite Wedding!
Well, Alisha and I have been working hard on putting together this great little destination wedding package for Diana and William. We have booked a car rental, restaurants, a beautiful executive hotel room in a downtown hotel that will have an unobstructed view of the fireworks on New Year’s Eve, cake, flowers, photographer and me! to officiate their wedding during their stay. All in all, this has been a blast and reminds me of the days when I was a concierge at the Four Seasons Olympic Hotel which is now the Hotel Fairmount. I loved my job then and I’m loving this job now!!!
Wedding at the Falls
/0 Comments/in Eastside Wedding /by MissElaineTomorrow I’m driving up to the Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls to marry a couple! They are keeping it really simple and having the ceremony in their room. I sent them a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate! I bet the falls are beautiful this time of year!
A hello from a bride who is far, far away
/1 Comment/in Destination Wedding /by MissElaineYesterday, while doing some year end work with my marketing campaign I inadvertently sent off an e-mail to a bride I married last year. She sent me a reply questioning the content and I quickly cleared it up. She told me two really exciting things in her e-mail: 1) she and her sweetie are coming up on their one-year anniversary, and 2) she is deployed in Afghanistan. So she was e-mailing me all the way from Afghanistan! I was so honored that she would take the time to contact me while in such an intense environment. I asked her for an update and this is what she told me:
Destination Wedding Planning 4
/0 Comments/in Destination Wedding /by MissElaineI sent along the official itinerary to Diana and William for their review the other day. I was so thrilled to be able to put together their itinerary. I met some new people (including them) along the way and am deeply intrigued by the whole destination wedding idea. Very doable on all budgets and especially in our beautiful city of Seattle! I am a Seattle native and I LOVE SEATTLE!! It is a joy and privalege to introduce new people to my city. Plus, what a great place to get married, eh?
By the way, we have added a matching boutineer to Diana’s clutch bouquet for the day. She chose the color pink, which will be lovely and William will have a matching boutineer in pink! And we have arranged details for Lou to get a tux for the big day! It’s all coming together…they arrive just next week. How exciting!!! Oh, thanks Alisha for all your fantastic help!
Great Waterfront Hotel For In-suite Wedding!
/0 Comments/in Seattle Wedding /by MissElaineI just returned from doing a really sweet wedding for a couple at the Edgewater Hotel ( Remember the one that years ago (I don’t want to date myself here) advertised “Fish From Your Window”? Yep, that one. Since I was there last, they have done a renovation which is gives the hotel a rustic and cozy feeling.
Anyway, my couple rented a one-bedroom suite that featured french doors separating the bedroom and bathroom from the sitting room, where we did the ceremony. And to add to the ambiance they had a waterfront room so there will be some great sunset pictures. I brought the cake, flowers and photographer and the bride decorated the room. Since I had my photographer there I didn’t take pics with my Blackberry, which just isn’t doing my pictures justice lately, so thank you Peter for your pictures when they are developed.
This is an excellent idea for a small wedding. I highly recommend it because it’s cozy, romantic and small enough that you can handle the details, and large enough so you can invite 10 or so of your friends and family. And if you wanted, you could invite more friends to meet you in the hotel lounge for a celebratory glass of champagne — and then maybe dinner in the hotel restuarant!! The options are really limitless with this one-bedroom hotel suite wedding idea.
And last but certainly not least — Congratulations Kathy and David! Kathy you really did a fantastic job with your decorations and planning. You made my job so easy because you had a vision and it was a joy putting your vision together! Thank you for including me in your very special day!
Destination Wedding planning 3
/0 Comments/in Destination Wedding /by MissElaineWell, Alisha and I have been working hard on putting together this great little destination wedding package for Diana and William. We have booked a car rental, restaurants, a beautiful executive hotel room in a downtown hotel that will have an unobstructed view of the fireworks on New Year’s Eve, cake, flowers, photographer and me! to officiate their wedding during their stay. All in all, this has been a blast and reminds me of the days when I was a concierge at the Four Seasons Olympic Hotel which is now the Hotel Fairmount. I loved my job then and I’m loving this job now!!!
Pictures to follow…